The task for Tuesday is to clear a fallen tree in Banstead Wood and to carry out a litter pick. We will clear the fallen tree whether it is raining, or not. The litter pick will be dependent on the amount of rain (if any). Meet at the Park Farm car park at 10:00hrs.
Pics 1 & 2 - Female Glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca): Pics 3 & 4 - Bryony Ladybird (Henosepilachna argus): Pics 5 -8 - Myrmica ruginodis, a species of ant new for the site.
The task for Thursday is to continue with the scrub removal at Stagbury field. Meet at the Holly Lane car park at 10:00hrs. Please ensure that you have your gloves - the brambles are rather fierce!
Out on Stagbury today, we continued the work to reduce the grass and scrub. Here are pics of some of the tools we carried to the site from the car park at Holly Lane. You can also view a video of our latest toy in action, the power strimmer. The video is also available on our Toolkit page on this website.
I took a slow walk around Lord's Wood field today, camera in hand, and here are the results...
Following the strimming of the grassy Chalkhill Blue site, we are tackling the adjacent area, currently a tangled mass of brambles, hawthorn, spindle, raspberries and dogwood. We began inside the fence that secures the site of the WW2 tunnel subsidence (erected by the WoodChips some years ago), where the brambles soon succumbed to our scythes. Across the rest of the site, slashers and our tree poppers were added to the fight. Once we've raked and cleared a suitable spot the piles of cut material will fuel a bonfire.