We will return to The Orchard and continue with the cut/rake/remove regime that has been so successful in reducing the Rosebay Willowherb. Meet at the Park Farm car park at 10:00hrs.
We will be doing a range of tasks based around Stagbury field and The Lagoon. Meet at the Holly Lane car park at 10:00hrs.
On Thursday we will continue with the clearance of invasive plants at The Orchard. Meet at the Park farm car park at 10:00hrs.
The task for Tuesday is to commence the annual cut in the orchards at Banstead Wood. The purpose of this work is to reduce the volume of Rosebay Willowherb that is invading the site. Meet at the Park Farm car park at 10:00hrs.
The task for Tuesday is to clear a footpath and do a litter pick at Banstead Wood. Meet at the Park Farm car park at 10:00 hrs.